Saturday, October 14, 2006

Behind-the Scenes
How it all began

I had always wanted to start a blog to keep my mind off worthless things and put it to better use. Since I'm fond of movies anyway, why not start a movie blog? It'll be like hitting two birds, or maybe more, with one stone: I get to preoccupy myself with something I'm interested in, plus I get to expand my vocabulary, plus I get to develop my critical eye, plus who knows what other advantages blogging brings. Cool.
I do not, however, claim to be a professional critic. There are a lot of good movie blogs and sites out there. I do not even dream to be at par with them. But the beauty of blogging is that I get to call this space my own therapeutic site. I decided to start this blog as a therapy...for what, I do not know exactly except that I have to exercise my brain less it begins to deteriorate due to non-use. Besides, my priest said I take up a hobby.

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