Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Matrix Revolutions

The Plot: Neo makes the hardest choice he ever made as he decides to go where no human has ever dared -- into the heart of Machine City. There, he strikes a deal with the machines: he fights the powerful renegade program Smith in exchange for peace.

Zion, on the other hand, prepares for the war that is inevitable. It is the ultimate showdown between men and the machines.

Neo and Zion stand together on the threshold of victory or annihilation in this last saga of the Matrix trilogy.

The Review: In this last chapter of the trilogy, the final battle between the men and the machines is set in the dark terrains of reality. As it is the decisive battle, it is but fitting to end it in the real world, with all its dark splendor and kick-ass CGIs.

I found the setting the most desolate, the most dreary ever, but then again, what do you expect from a 'Machine City'? Hence, the scenes shot from inside the Matrix was a sight for sore eyes, particularly the immaculate train station, a stark contrast to the desolation and dreariness that is the 'real' world. It was also a treat to have seen a bit of the stunts I've come to expect from The Matrix: the upside-down fight scenes with the Merovingian's goons was a very welcome surprise; and the conclusive battle between Neo and Smith was equally awesome. That particular fight scene was a bit overplayed though, as I could do with a little less rain and a little less flying. But I can hear the production people saying, 'Alright, you guys, you've seen enough stunts to last you a lifetime. It's time to end this the right way.' And end it they did...with a big bang.

Movie Quotes worth 'Quoting':

The Merovingian: It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.

The Kid: Neo, I believe.

Capt. Mifune's speech: Alright, this is it. You all know me, so I'll just say this as simply as I can. If it's our time to die, it's our time. All I ask is if we have to give these bastards our lives, we give 'em hell before we do!

Agent Smith: Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you. Do you like what I've done with the place?
Neo: It ends tonight.

The Rating: 9/10.
Photos courtesy of www.imdb.com

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